MKB Asset Management is an application for investors. You can invest money in investment funds, open an investment account and enter the clients personal account online.Application features:viewing the current value of investment products (DU IIS and mutual funds) and other information on them;online conclusion, termination of contracts and replenishment of the account of the IIS DU, purchase and redemption of shares of open-ended mutual fund;receiving quarterly reports on remote control IMS;viewing information about operations for depositing and withdrawing funds.Joint Stock Company "Management Company" MKB Investments "is one of the leading private management companies in Russia, which since 1996 has been forming successful investment decisions for all categories of investors.Joint Stock Company "Management Company" MKB Investments "(JSC" MC MKB Investments "). State registration number at creation No. 055.391 of April 19, 1996, OGRN 1027700590301 of December 30, 2002. License for the management of investment funds, mutual funds and non-state pension funds No. 21-000-1-00012, issued by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia on October 31, 1996, for an unlimited period of time. License of a professional participant in the securities market to carry out securities management activities No. 045-07260-001000, issued by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia on December 19, 2003, for an unlimited period of time.Before purchasing investment shares, concluding an agreement, you can familiarize yourself with the terms of asset management, obtain information about MC MKB Investments JSC and other information stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Russian Federation. Address: Russian Federation, 119021, Moscow, Zubovsky boulevard, 11 A, floor 11, room I, room 1. Phone: + 7 (495) 777-29-64, www.mkb-am.ruThe content of the pages of the application is presented for informational purposes only and cannot be interpreted as a promise of the future performance of the management company.